Pantomime Auditions 2pm Sunday 20th Oct
So our Pantomime journey has begun, today we introduced the music to prospective cast. The video below is their first time at singing one of the many songs in Sleeping Beauty which we will be performing at Shinfield Players Theatre in January 2025.
Open Auditions are scheduled for Monday 14th at 7.30, Wednesday16th at 8.00 and Sunday 20th at 2pm. Please come along and Audition.
Audition dates: October 14th (7.30pm), 16th (7.45pm) and 20th (2.00pm)
Show dates: 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 January, 2025
King Gustav and Queen Charlotte want a child. But when their daughter Rose is born, the evil fairy Ruby casts a spell on the baby, saying that before her seventeenth birthday she will prick her finger on a rose and die. Although the spell can’t be completely undone one of the three good fairies says Rose, and the Kingdom in which she lives, will fall asleep until she is kissed by her true love. Will Rose find her true love and be awoken from her slumbers?
We are delighted to bring a new Musical Director to the SPT stage. He is Christopher Cherng and Carol has been working with him for a couple of months preparing the songs and editing them for the song book.
Watch the video below to see how the music introduction went earlier.
